Coriandre 100 %
Volume:6ml / 10ml / 30ml / 100ml
Harvest region:France(natural cultivation)
Parts used:seed
About the product
Coriander is an annual herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family. Originally grew in Morocco, but is now cultivated all over the world. Coriander can grow up to 60 centimeters tall, with feathery leaves and upright stems with the whole plant being fragrant. It blooms
in clusters of flowers at the top of the stems with beautiful pink and white flowers.
After the flowers wither, the seeds that remains are rich in essential oils. At low-temperature distillation, the pleasant aromatic oils
are extracted.
Coriander seeds is a traditional medicinal spices and are commonly used in German-style sausages in Europe. They are also often found in Indonesian fish dishes and is one of the most popular spices in India. In Indian cuisine, coriander seeds are sometimes used for meat preservation. Aside from it's appetising aroma, the seed's helpful gut protecting properties is also highly valued.
Coriander seed essential oil is widely used. It is a warming essential oil that can be used on the abdomen to improve the discomfort caused by eating excessive cold foods, especially on women’s menstrual days. It's gut protecting function is also useful to help relieve stomach discomfort caused by the consumption of poorly prepared meals.
Suitable for : body
How to use : Lower abdomen comfort (warming) : add 2-3 drops of coriander + 1 drop of ginger + 2 drops of clary sage
essential oils with 3-5 drops of base oil.
Mix and gently rub on the lower abdomen and waist.
Poorly prepared food : add 2-3 drops of coriander + 2 drops of comp. rafraichissant, mix and gently rub directly
on the abdomen, 3~4 times a day
Blends well with : Comp. rafraichissant, fennel, nutmeg, clove, celery, ginger, black pepper and other essential oils for
synergistic effects